
The Oliver Wyman Forum is committed to bringing together business, public policy, and social enterprise leaders to help solve the world's toughest problems. We discover innovative solutions by convening leading thinkers, analyzing options, and inspiring action on several broad fronts. 

Evolution Of Airports – Travel Trends In The Next 30 Years

For airports to be more sustainable and accommodate demand, the aviation industry needs concerted investments in everything from green tech to biometrics.

London Data Commission
Pioneering Data-led Solutions to London’s Challenges

Together with London First, Arup, and Microsoft, the Oliver Wyman Forum has established the London Data Commission to transform the capital with data-led solutions for its biggest challenges.

The Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley
Trailblazing the New Mobility With UC Berkeley

The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley and the Oliver Wyman Forum will help leaders anticipate the challenges of the mobility revolution and build winning ecosystems.